
Top Ten Tuesday (1) - Jan 8th

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week's Top Ten list is "Top Ten Bookish Goals for 2013". Since there are two of us - we thought we'd each list our top 5!

Nicole's Top 5 Bookish Goals for 2013
1. Start a Blog Keep on blogging!
2. Read 100+ Books!
3. Read new kinds of books (i.e.lesser known, new idea, unexplored genre, etc.)
4. Participate in more challenges (and ones that are actually challenging!)
5. Write informative, yet entertaining reviews

Ashley's Top 5 Bookish Goals for 2013
1. Start a Blog Keep on blogging!
2. Read 65+ Books!
3. Read 10+ debut authors
4. Make it to a bookish event!
5. Finish the Castor Chronicles series

What are your 2013 bookish goals? Please leave us a link


  1. Both great goals! I hope you can read 65 and 100 books or even more :) Definitely keep on blogging!

  2. Ashley, you should totally go to a bookish event! They're so much fun! I did BEA and Decatur Book Festival last year, and it was wonderful!

    I'm not a challenge person, but I know a lot of people have fun with them, so good luck, Nicole!

  3. The best of luck to both of you!

    And I hope you manage to get to a bookish event, Ashley. If there were more in my area of England, that would be a goal for me, too.

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT.

  4. Reading different kinds of books is a great goal! Good luck on all of your goals :)

    Here's my Top Ten!


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