
Feature and Follow (2)


Feature and Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read to showcase blogs, meet new blogger friends and gain new followers. 

This week's question is:

            Q:Who is your favorite villain from a book?  

Hmm... the first villain that comes to mind is Ursula, from the Little Mermaid because I am a sucker for Disney movies and The Little Mermaid is one of my favorites.  Plus I love the song Poor Unfortunate Souls :) She is so dark, evil and rocks black and purple so well!

But my favorite (non-Disney movie) villain from a book would have to probably be Ridley from The Castor series ( I am working on finishing the series at the moment, so my pick is from books 1-3).  I love her spunky personality and her on and off relationship with Link.  She also has fun fashion and snarky lines she spits at Ethan and Link.  I debated for a bit if she was a villain or not, but so many bad guys have a tendency to change their ways during the book it was hard for me to pick one.  I like Anna, the "murdering ghost" from Anna Dressed in Blood as well, but I don't know if I would consider her true villain either.

Comment and tell us your answer and if you follow us I promise I will follow back!


  1. Ursula reminded me of my aunt a little bit, not the evil part but her face. lol. I would have never told my aunt that.

    I haven't read the Castor series but I like the name Ridley. Anna is one of those in between villains becuase she kills people but for a reason.

  2. I haven't read either of the books you've mentioned. But The Little Mermaid - one of my all-time favorite Disney movies!!
    New follower via GFC.
    Holly @ Words Fueled by Love

  3. Ursula? HAHAH LOL how unusual :D

    *New follower

  4. URSULA! One of my most hated villains as a kid. :P

    Following you back now. ;)

    Isabel @ Sab The Book Eater

  5. Ursula, Ha Great answer!

    Feel free to hop on over to follow me as well.

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  6. Duo bloggers :) I like! Happy to know about your blog. New follower :)


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