
Feature and Follow Friday (4) - Feb 1st

Feature and Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee's View and Alison Can Read to showcase blogs, meet new blogger friends and gain new followers. 

This week's question is:

Q: What is the first thing you would do if you woke up to find yourself in your favorite book?

Hmm... Probably be quite confused actually. But if I would wake up in Victorian England in the Clockwork Angel and Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare the first thing I would do would be to take in the amazing setting. Check out the fashion, I mean look at the cover of the Clockwork Princess.  She has a gorgeous dress on and the city looks so dark and beautiful.  After taking all that in, I would want to go find the dark, magical world of the shadow hunters.

Comment and tell us your answer!


  1. Haven't read them. Interesting...
    New Follower
    My FF

  2. I love Clockwork Angel, and oh, the dresses we could wear. Good choice.

    Here is my FF

  3. I haven't read Cassandra Clare yet. Her books do have incredible covers. New GFC follower here. Here's my FF.

    1. I love the covers, the books a definitely in my favorite shelf!

  4. Love shadowhunter world + London :)

    Thanks for following - following back.

    - Nyx @ Unraveling Words

  5. Thanks for visiting:) Following now too!
    I think confusion would ensue in that situation anyways:) I actually can't wait to read the series!!

    Andrea@ Andrea Heltsley Books

  6. Great choice! I would love to go to Victorian London too, especially if I get a glimpse of the Shadowhunters!

    Thanks for stopping by, I've followed you back :)

  7. Yeah, if I woke up in Victorian England, I would go dress shopping! Seriously. Although I guess it would take some time for the dresses to be made. Hmmm.

  8. New follower through GFC....If I had the figure for Victorian London, I would join you! Lol, the figure would be worth the trip! I can be found and followed at bethartfromtheheart.blogspot.com .
    happy Reading!

  9. Wow! Ending up in Clockwork Princess sounds amazing! And yes, that dress! :D Lovely! I'm so intrigued by Victorian England, I hope to see ya guys there! :P

    Thanks for stopping by my F&FF earlier.

    Have a great weekend and happy reading! :D

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

  10. I haven't heard of this book, but I like the sound of it!

    New GFC follower.

  11. Clockwork Princess. It's almost here! I can't wait for this book. The way things were in Clockwork Prince... it makes it nearly unbearable to wait for this book!

  12. I would go and hug Will! I can't wait for Clockwork Princess!

    New Follower :)


  13. Haven't read these books yet but have heard loads about them. Gosh I can already imagine myself trying on all those gorgeous dresses!

    Thanks for dropping by my FF. Following back!

  14. London is a beautiful city! :)

    New GFC follower!

    Here's mine: http://thesisterstale.blogspot.com/2013/02/feature-and-follow-friday-21.html

    1. I haven't been there, it's on my places to visit!

  15. I would just love to wear all those period dresses. They look so beautiful!

    Thanks for visiting. Following you back via GFC :)

  16. Aww man, I've been wanting to read this series!!! :(

    Thanks for stopping by my FF!
    Isabel @ Sab The Book Eater


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