
Top Ten Tuesday (8) - March 5th

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week's Top Ten list is "Top Ten Series I'd Like To Start But Haven't Yet"

Nicole's Top Five:



  1. I can't wait to start reading Richelle Mead and Melina Marchetta this year. Starting Hourglass soon and I need to get back to BC so I can continue with the Caster Chronicles. Great lists!

    1. Thanks! Richelle Mead and Melina Marchetta are two of my favorite authors so I have been harping on Ashley to read those series. I hope you like them too! Happy reading!!

  2. Wow, we have quite a few in common! Jennie Pox is free on kindle still I think!
    Great Lists!!
    Beth | YA Vixens
    Vixen's Top Ten!

    1. Yes I got it on Kindle! I hope to start it soon but I have a few on queue before it :)

  3. Good list, I need to read the Seven Realms, Luxe, and Caster Chronicles as well.

  4. Seven Realms & Lumatere are on my reading pile.
    I've read Soulless and I loved it, so I can't wait to continue. The princess series is great. I am looking forward to read the last book :D

    Great list!
    Top 10 Tuesday - Mel@thedailyprophecy.

  5. I've read Jenny Pox, which was awesome. A bit weird and gruesome, but damn so good. I've read the first three books in the Parasol Protectorate by Gail Carriger & they were very, very entertaining. Loved them. Should def. finish this series soon.

    J'adore Happy Endings

    1. I would have found the weird and gruesome part more surprising if I didn't notice how creepy the second book cover is. I am excited to start this one tho :)

  6. I really want to read the Hourglass series. I've heard great things about it!

  7. About half of these series I still need to read as well, and so many of them have a bunch of books out, like Charley Davidson and the Parasol Protectorate. Must read faster!

  8. All of these have beautiful covers! I'm not a fan of The Charley Davidson Series (however I seem to be in the minority according to goodreads etc.) but can't get enough of the Parasol Protectorate!

    1. I plan to listen to the Charley Davidson series and since I have a harder time finding audiobooks/cds - there isn't a lot of competition. We shall see!

  9. I need to finish the Caster Chronicles. I read the first book, but haven't had the chance to read the rest. Same goes for Finnkini of the Rock in the Lumatere Chronicles. I hope you get to read some of these soon! :)

    Thanks for stopping by my post!

    ~Sara @ Forever 17 Books

    1. I think Froi of the Exiles was even better than Finnikin of the Rock so I'd highly recommend you pick that up soon :)

  10. I absolutely LOVE The Caster Chronicles! I really want to read The Parasol Protectorate & The Paranormals!
    Great list :)

  11. The Caster Chronicles are amazing! And I like The Luxe one and The Princess one as well!

    My TTT

  12. Hourglass! Parasol Protectorate! Beautiful Creatures! Why haven't I started these?

    Great list - thanks for stopping by my TTT!

  13. I've read the Charley Davidson series and the Parasol Protectorate series and loved them both. (But Charley is hands down amazing - highly recommended!)
    Good luck getting some of these knocked out! My Top Ten Tuesday!

  14. Amazing lists! I love the Parasol Protectorate series so much and Vampire Academy!
    I have also been meaning to read Charley Davidson!! AHH! SO MUCH FUN!

  15. Vampire Academy is amazing! I also want to check out Beautiful Creatures, if only to see what all the hype is about.

    Great list, and I love the blog!

  16. beautiful covers! I definitely recommend VA and the Caster Chronicles (although I'm just on book #3 now). I should have added Luxe to my list, too!

    My TTT

    Eva @ All Books Considered

  17. Ashley - you need to get started on Vampire Academy!
    Nicole - I recently started Beautiful Creatures. I had such high expectations going in, and I liked the beginning of the book, but now that I'm halfway through, I'm starting to note a lot of unintentional silliness. I hope that improves, because I've already bought the other 3 books!

    Thanks for stopping by. :)

    Stephanie (Go Flash Go) @ Read, Rinse, Repeat

    Here's my TT

  18. Princess of Glass and the rest of the series - SO cute!! The first one is definitely the best (Oh, GALEN) but totally worth finishing for cute, adorable storiness. ;)

    I read the first Lumatere, and honestly, wasn't too impressed. I was pretty bored the whole time. I don't know if I'll read the rest of the trilogy, but I'm soooo down from Melina's contemporary fiction. I hear the BEST things about it!!

    Annnd I really wanna read Hourglass, too! Sounds like a neat idea. Maybe it won't be my favorite thing, but I wanna give it a try.

    Great lists, ladies! Thanks for stopping by my blog!!
    Sierra @ Yearning to Read

    ahem. I also want to read the Lumatere and Pastoral Protectorate series.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  20. Gah. This is the second blog to list The Seven Realms. Can't believe I forgot to list it. They look great!

    My TTT:

  21. Beautiful Creatures is on my list too!
    Vampire Academy is one of my favorite series, ever! You have more reason to read it cause the movie's coming out next year! :D
    Top 10 Tuesdays

  22. Great list! I had never heard of Luxe before, but I've seen it on a few lists today so now my interest is piqued! I loved VA and Myra McEntire's books.

    My TTT

    Jessica@Lovin' Los Libros

  23. I want to start the Seven Realms and Soulless series too. I've heard great things about both. Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  24. Ahh, The Luxe! That series killed me in several ways, but it is still so, so good. Thanks for sharing and stopping by!

    Rachel @ Beauty and the Bookshelf

  25. I really liked the Lumatere Chronicles :) I have only read the first one though, I should get on that. And wow, I just keep seeing The Luxe on this topic! I guess it has to go on my TBR list now, haha. Nice list!

  26. I love Jessica Day George's Princess trilogy. And I've been meaning to start the Lumatere Chronicles for ages, but just never seem to get around to it. Enjoy reading these -- and don't they have some gorgeous covers?

    Lark @ The Bookwyrm’s Hoard

  27. Great picks! I've read the first two Parasol Protectorate books and really liked them! VA is amazing! And I forgot to add the Darynda Jones books to my list... I own Hourglass and Jenny Pox but haven't gotten to them yet. The covers for the Luxe series are gorgeous o.O Never heard of it before, but I'll have to check them out :)
    Thanks for stopping by yesterday!

  28. I liked Princess of the Midnight Ball. I thought it was a great retelling of 12 dancing princess and anyway... awesome picks! Thanks for stopping by at my TTT!!

  29. When you decide to read VA, make sure you have blocks of time set aside. You won't want to stop reading! =)

    Thanks for stoppin' by!


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