
Top Ten Character Names We Love or Find Unusual

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week's Top Ten list is "Top Ten Character Names I Love or Top Ten Unusual Character Names".

1. Ronan in The Raven Boys (Love)
2. Blue in The Raven Boys (Unusual)
3. Rhine in Wither (Love)
4. Hazel in The Fault in Our Stars (Love& Unusual)
5. Lilia in Burn for Burn (Love)
6. Roar in Under the Never Sky (Unusual)
7. Penryn in AngelFall (Unusual)
8. Karou in Daughter of Smoke and Bone (Unusual)
9. America Singer in The Selection (Unusual)
10. Sophronia in Etiquette and Espionage (Unusual)

What are your top ten?


  1. Ah I have Penryn too - it's unusual but still pretty!

    I love the name Lilia - it's gorgeous!

  2. Sophronia is very unusual yes! l like Lilia :D

  3. your list is great and I love the visual display! ~Sheri

  4. Blue! and Roar (I can't stop myself from sighing whenever I say his name). I also like Ronin and Hazel. Great list, ladies. Also, love the graphic. :)

  5. I almost put Rhine on my list and somehow forgot about her! I totally agree with Roar and Ronan & Blue -- I really love the names that Maggie Steifvater and Veronica Rossi came up with!!

  6. I love how you guys displayed the names! SO cool! You've also got a lot of good ones on here. I really like Blue!

  7. I tend to love names that have a double-meaning or ones that allude to a trait the character possesses. J.K. Rowling was masterful at this (think: Lupin) and so was Rossi with Roar and Aria. Loving those names (and the characters behind them). I also really liked the names Collins used in The Hunger Games because many of them are nature-inspired.

  8. Funny, neither Ronan or Hazel are unusual in Ireland so I never gave them a second thought. Blue is quirky and cute though. And I didn't like Roar at first but it really suits his character so it grew on me!

  9. Karou is on my list too. nice list!
    Thanks for stopping by My Top 10 Tuesday


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