
Top Ten Tuesday (9) - March 12th


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week's Top Ten list is "Top Ten Books On My Spring 2013 TBR list"  

Nicole's Top 5

1. The Collector by Victoria Scott (April 2nd)
2. Reboot by Amy Tintera (May 7th)
3. The End Games by T. Michael Martin (May 7th)
4. If He Had Been With Me by Laura Nowlin (April 1st)
5. Strands of Bronze and Gold by Jane Nickerson (March 12th)

Ashley's Top 5

1. The Rules for Disappearing by Ashley Elston (May 14th)
2. If I Should Die by Amy Plum (May 1st)
3. The Elite by Kiera Cass (April 23rd)
4. In the Shadow of Blackbirds by Cat Winters (April 2nd)
5. Clockwork Princess by (March 19th)


  1. Great list! I'm excited for The Elite as well, it just didn't make my list. But I keep seeing The Collector everywhere, I may need to put it on my TBR, haha.

  2. Some great books here. I don't read many books on their release, unless its an all time great author of mine.

  3. This is the fourth list I saw If I Should Die on, I really need to see what this hype is about!

    Great list!

    My TTT

  4. I JUST pre-ordered The Collector, like right now. I'm so excited for it. And I have The Elite ARC staring at me from my bookshelf. I'll get to that one soon. They both sound so good! Great list ladies. :)

  5. A really awesome list. There are many of books here which I definitely need to read!
    Here's my TTT :)

  6. Good list! Both Reboot and The End Games look good, they would have been on my list if I went over 10. I hadn't heard about In The Shadow of Blackbirds, so looked it up on goodreads and it sounds awesome! Will have to keep an eye out for it when it is released.

    1. We both are looking forward to In The Shadow of Blackbirds!

  7. Strands of Bronze and Gold almost made it on my list,but another book got its spot. The Collecter looks really great!
    old follower
    my TTT

  8. The End Games and The Elite both made it to my top ten! Can't wait for those two. Great list!
    Em @ A Beautiful Madness
    My Top Ten

  9. I really cannot wait for Clockwork Princess to come out. The world can end after I read that, but that is my reason for being right now! give it to me! ~daphne

  10. Cannot wait for Clockwork Princess! I'm also excited for The End Games. Great list!
    Thanks for stopping by my TTT! :-)

  11. Nice choices! With that cover, how can The End Games NOT be amazing??? And if I'd had an honorable mention, Strands would have been on it.

    I'm going to have to check out Reboot. I like that cover!

    Stephanie (Go Flash Go) @ Read, Rinse, Repeat
    Here's my Top Ten

  12. Great choices:-) In the shadow of blackbirds has a fab cover, I need to check this one out, looks intriguing.
    New follower :-)

  13. I kinda wanna read all of these books! You guys have the best taste! Go you!

  14. I am SO excited for The Elite, Clockwork Princess & The Rules For Disappearing!! I keep seeing Reboot and The End Games everywhere so I'm definitely going to have to check them out. I hope you guys enjoy all of these books! :D

  15. Strands of bronze and gold <3 I'm so flipping excited! The end games and Reboot look great too. I hope to get started in Clockwork Angel somewhere this month and I've heard some good things about In the shadow of blackbirds.

    TTT -Mel@thedailyprophecy.

  16. You have some awesome titles on your list! If He Had Been With Me looks very intriguing. Thanks for introducing it. And I'm so excited for If I Should Die & Clockwork Princess too. Happy spring reading :)

  17. Great list guys! I am really excited for the Collector and Reboot, as well as Clockwork and The Elite!

    My TTT

    Jessica@Lovin' Los Libros

  18. Great list! I really want to read the Collector and start The Selection series!

    My TTT

    Eva @ All Books Considered

  19. I forgot all about Reboot and In the Shadow of Blackbirds but The Rules for Disappearing is on my list. Sometimes making lists for only ten gets too hard for me. Great list! =D

    Here's my Top Ten Tuesday post!

    Sana @ artsy musings of a bibliophile

  20. We share a lot on our lists! Reboot is another I am looking forward too. I'm behind on Amy Plum's series but I hope to catch up someday. Great list!

    Thanks for stopping by my post!

    ~Sara @ Forever 17 Books

  21. ooh, I like Nicole's list better because it has two dystopians! but I also like Ashley's list! especially The Rules for Disappearing! and I have to say that I am DYING to read The Collector!!!

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  22. Can't wait to read The Collector!! The Elite is GREAT! And Clockwork Princess and I SO looking forward to reading! Eep!

  23. The Rules For Disappearing was amazing! Also, both Reboot and The Collector sound amazing. Great list :)

  24. Thanks for stopping by my top ten!! Yes! Clockwork Princess is a must read this spring!!! :)

  25. Excellent list!! we share some of the same!! I have to tell you Reboot - amazing - and The Rules for Disappearing - incredible! I loved them both! Can't wait to see what you think of them too!

    thanks for stopping by my post yesterday!

    jaime @ Fic Fare

  26. awesome picks ladies!!!! Nicole, Im with you on Reboot, End Games, and Strands of Bronze and Gold . Ashley, Elite and Rules for Disappearing looks great. So many good books so little time! and thanks by the way for giving me the helpful tip for the goodreads sidebar thingy, I finally got it to work on our blog with your helpful code! Thanks !!! - Katie @ Inkk

  27. I haven't heard of a lot of these, but I LOVE the cover for The End Games! I'm def going to have to look that one up!
    CLOCKWORK PRINCESS!!! MOST DEF!! I'm reading that one And my heart is taking a beating!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the comment :)


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