Welcome to Thoughts for Thursday! This feature is our outlet to talk with you about whatever we currently have on our minds. It might be bookish, it might not! Now for this week's thought:
1. We would give up the internet for a month for a signed first edition of this book:
Nicole: Umm... I actually can't think of a book that I would want a signed first edition of bad enough to give up the Internet for a month. I go on vacation for a week without internet and I feel like the world has ended.
How Far Would You Go For Your Favorite Books?
Created by Christina @ Christina Reads YA | Tagged by Kay @ It's A Book Life

1. We would give up the internet for a month for a signed first edition of this book:
Nicole: Umm... I actually can't think of a book that I would want a signed first edition of bad enough to give up the Internet for a month. I go on vacation for a week without internet and I feel like the world has ended.
Ashley: I am with Nicole on this one, I can't think of a book I would want a signed edition of so bad that I would give up the Internet for a month.
2. We would give up pizza for a year if it meant we could sit next to this author on a long plane ride:
Nicole: Jay Kristoff. And I LOVE Pizza so Jay if you are reading this you better be flattered and I expect a plane ride of witty remarks and a sneak peek at the rest of the Illuminae series. ;)
Ashley: Maggie Steifvater. I think she has so much awesome personality and she is one of my favorite authors.
3. We would sit through a 1,000 hours of commercials if it would ensure that Hollywood made this book into a (really good) movie:
Nicole: The Red Rising Trilogy staring Pierce Brown himself because this series is EPIC and Pierce Brown is HOT.
Ashley: The Lunar Chronicles. I love re-watching Disney movies, so I can totally see re-watching the Lunar Chronicles, plus the books are fantastic!
4. We would never read a new book again if it meant we could live inside this this book:
Nicole: HARRY POTTER. I would sell my soul to live in this world so giving up reading is a no-brainer.
Nicole: HARRY POTTER. I would sell my soul to live in this world so giving up reading is a no-brainer.
5. We would let our Google search history be made public if it meant we could be best friends with this author:
Nicole: Sarah J. Maas. My Google search history isn't even embarrassing but even if it was riddled with inappropriateness, I would still make it public to be best friends with Sarah because she is awesome (just attend one of her events and you will see).
Nicole: Sarah J. Maas. My Google search history isn't even embarrassing but even if it was riddled with inappropriateness, I would still make it public to be best friends with Sarah because she is awesome (just attend one of her events and you will see).
Ashley: My Google search history is not really embarrassing, it is full of sewing, weather, books, and tv. I would make it public though to be best friends with Rainbow Rowell.
6. We would donate everything we own to Goodwill if it meant we could date this book character in real life:
Nicole: STURMHOND. And I would donate MY FAMILY to Goodwill if it meant I could date Sturmhond. My god, I love him.
Nicole: STURMHOND. And I would donate MY FAMILY to Goodwill if it meant I could date Sturmhond. My god, I love him.
How Far Would You Go For Your Favorite Books?
We tag anyone that wants to participate :)