Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week's Top Ten list is "Top Ten Bookish Memories." This week was a hard one for us, we are pretty new to the blogging and book events world so we didn't exactly come up with a full ten :)
1. Meeting at UVA
It was definately a top bookish moment when we met at UVA and realized we both loved to read and could share and discuss books!
2. Starting this blog together!
3. Winning our first ARC
Nicole was the first one to receive an ARC. When The Ruining came in the mail from Goodreads it was super exciting!
4. Getting our first follower and comment
Thanks Mel@The Daily Prophecy :)
5. Signing up for our first Blog Tour
Nicole's first blog tour book is going to be Legacy of the Clockwork Key which she has been anxiously waiting to read. Ashley's first blog tour book is going to be Ever which she can't wait to start!
6. Hosting our first giveaway
We are really happy to be spreading the love.
7. Discovering the magic of Twitter
We are both new to Twitter so it is still a little surreal at how easy it is to connect with authors, publishers bloggers and avid readers. We received warm welcomes from Kisha and Katie at InkkReviews, Jamie at The Broke and Bookish, and Vy Le at Vys Blog. It's seriously amazing how supportive and awesome everyone has been. And the first time authors actually tweeted us back was like the coolest thing ever. It still is.
8. Our one month blogoversary :D
Hah so even though we plan to be here a lot longer, we are still pretty excited over what we accomplished in our first month of blogging. Even though it has been a lot of work, it has been well worth it. Being able to connect with all of you, share our thoughts on books, participate in memes, discussions, challenges etc. has enhanced our reading experience tenfold. We know it's only going to keep getting better and we can't wait for what's in store.
A genuine THANK YOU to all of you who are sharing these bookish moments with us. Every visit, comment, tweet, etc. means THE WORLD TO US. We are so happy to be here! :D
Ahh, you are welcome! I like that I'm part of a good memory :D One month, congrats! Winning a first ARC is exciting. Lovely list!
Twitter is great. I'm still getting the hang of it myself #slowlybutsurely
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