Thoughts for Thursday (6) - To sign or not to sign, that is the question

Welcome to Thoughts for Thursday! This feature is our outlet to talk with you about whatever we currently have on our minds. It might be bookish, it might not! Now for this week's thought:

I have no idea whether or not I should identify myself when commenting on someone else's blog. Signing 'Nicole @ The Quiet Concert' seems kind of formal to me for blogs I frequent regularly and when I do this I feel like I'm shamelessly promoting my blog, like 'hey, come visit me', and I don't want to give that impression. But is it egotistical of me to think I will be the only Nicole that comments? To assume that the bloggers who I think should know me, actually do? That they make the connection between me and a comment by a Nicole? (Probably) After all, I want them to know that it's me. Not so that they visit me back but to build a friendship. And what about the blogs that I only occasionally comment on and might or might not know me. Is identifying myself more of a courtesy so the blog owner doesn't have to play a guessing game (if they even would)? I know this seems like a silly topic but I actually find myself debating whether or not to leave a signature often (and I didn't finish writing my epic ARC discussion so this is what your stuck with). Of course some commenting systems have so many entry fields that this isn't a problem - I thank the!

What does Ashley think?

I have also debated as to how to sign my name when commenting on a blog.  While this is primarily an issue when the comments are through Google, it does happen on other commenting platforms.  I am always logged into my personal Google account so when I go to comment it is always with 'Ashley' and my nice little Google+ image.  With blogs I visit all the time I sometimes do not put Ashley@The Quiet Concert but have the same hesitation with Nicole...Is it too much to assume that other bloggers can tell/remember without having trace back through my Google profile?

Now when reading comments, we definitely have bloggers that comment frequently (which we LOVE :) ) but there are other bloggers/followers that are new or comment less frequently.  Those that are new or comment less frequently I personally really like it when they sign their name and when they include the URL in their signature. It makes it really easy for me to go back and check out their blog, continue the conversation, etc. So I apply my personal preference to the way I sign on other blogs. Now we switched up our commenting system here so I don't have to trace commenters back through their profile often but it used to be a nice long round about way to finally make it back to check out and comment on their blog.

Anyone else have this dilemma? What do you think? What's your preference?
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