REVIEW: Premeditated by Josin L. McQuein

Title: Premeditated
Author: Josin L. McQuein
Publisher: Delacorte Books for Young Readers
Release Date: October 8, 2013
Pages: 336, Hardcover
Source: Library

A week ago, Dinah’s cousin Claire cut her wrists.

Five days ago, Dinah found Claire’s diary and discovered why.

Three days ago, Dinah stopped crying and came up with a plan.

Two days ago, she ditched her piercings and bleached the black dye from her hair.

Yesterday, knee socks and uniform plaid became a predator’s camouflage.

Today, she’ll find the boy who broke Claire.

By tomorrow, he’ll wish he were dead.

  • The premise of this book is great. Who doesn't love a revenge story? But it was more than that. It touched on relationships and difficult issues like teen suicide without feeling preachy. 

  • The loyalty of these characters. Dinah went to great lengths because of her love for Claire. Claire's parents cared for Dinah despite the grief over their daughter. Brooks was loyal to a fault. Jordan's loyalty to Chandi. Dinah's father. So many well done relationships in this book.

  • The ending. The ending of this book was unnecessarily heartbreaking but it was also well written and soothed some of my frustrations. 

  • I can't help but feel a little disappointed in this story. There was not nearly as much fun to be had getting revenge as I had expected there to be. Sure some things happened, but nothing major and somehow it felt like it was in the background to everything else going on.

  • The plot twist was SO OBVIOUS and way too soon in the book. And knowing what I knew when I knew it kept me from really enjoying the book because I felt terrible and I was frustrated that things went as far as they did until Dinah realized it. I don't know if this is cryptic or not but I'm trying not to give too much detail. 

My expectations for this book and my frustrations over the plot twist kept me from fully enjoying the story. But I still think this book has a lot of great points, including strong characters, and I know several other readers who really enjoyed it. It also gets bonus points for being a standalone. So I do recommend it. 

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