
Stacking the Shelves (49) - Dec 7th

Stacking the Shelves - hosted by Tynga at Tynga's Reviews - features books that you bought, borrowed, rented from the library, received for review, etc.

This is what's on my shelf for upcoming reads:

What books are stacking your shelves??



  1. Ooh, Independent Study! I really liked The Testing, looking forward to reading this one.

  2. I still need to read the first book of both of these series. I have The Amber House on hold at the library. I've heard good things. Happy reading!
    Natflix&Books' StS

  3. I really want to read Independent Study even though I disliked The Testing. Hopefully the story got better and became less similar to THG.

  4. Neverwas has such a pretty cover! :) Happy reading :D

  5. I really want to read Independent Study...have fun reading! ~Pam

  6. I've only got two books left on the shelves and that will have to last me until Christmas which I'm trying not to panic about! lol Once I finish Vampire Academy I've got Unholy Night and People of the Great Journey to read. After that it'll be re-reads until new books from Santa. :-)

  7. Just this weekend, I seen people talking about The Testing... I don't know how that flew under my radar, but I added it to my TBR because it sounds great!!

    I hope you enjoy both of your books and have a great week :)

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog!


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