Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week's Top Ten list is "Top Ten Characters I'd Never Want To Trade Places With".

- Penryn in (Penryn & The End of Days series by Susan Ee)Angel apocalypse. Scorpion/Angel hybrid creatures. Flesh-eating sister. No thank you.
- Sloane (This is Not a Test by Courtney Summers)
- Deuce (Razorland series by Ann Aguirre)
- Katniss (The Hunger Games Series by Suzanne Collins) Self-explanatory.
- Cia (The Testing series by Joelle Charbonneau) Basically, I really don't want to fight for my life. Oh, wait. I can't even fight. I would just die.
Zombie apocalypse. Suicidal feelings. Yeah, also no thanks.
Freaks. NO WAIT. Intelligent Freaks. Nope. Nope. Nope.
- Rachel (Defiance by CJ Redwine)Having a society where woman can't really live on their own is not my kinda place.
- Lena (Delirium by Lauren Oliver)
- Tris (Divergent by Veronica Roth)
- Lynn (Not a Drop to Drink by Mindy McGinnis) The amount of water I drink in a day, a world with little water would not do.
- Ren (The Ward by Jordana Frankel)
Love is a disease. I happen to enjoy that emotion :) so that would not work for me.
A society broken up by factions with serious bad leaders. Not even sure what faction I would be in if I had to pick.
The whole concept of water-logged city with infections sounds awful. I am not a strong swimmer so the whole water everywhere would freak me out.